How to be happy?
Happiness is not a materialistic thing that you can buy once and be done with it. Claiming all your life that you have it. Nope, it doesn’t work like that.
Happiness is a constant work in progress. You have to keep working towards it every single day and make a conscious choice to be happy. It’s a lot of work.
Keep collecting data. Track things that make you happy and the things that make you irritated. Then consciously choose to keep doing the happy stuff and avoid doing the irritating stuff. As simple as that. Definitely not easy, though.
As you grow, your preferences are going to change. The things that once made your mood “jolly molly” may not do the same anymore. Then again, you have to make a choice. You can either keep that habit or eliminate it. But it’s more complicated than that.
If it’s a hobby or a materialistic thing, discarding it completely seems possible, but if it’s a person, then you’d have to create boundaries.
Data will give you all the answers you need. What you have to do is be conscious and keep observing. It’s a funny statement coming from a person who lives in autopilot mode all day. I am trying to implement the same as well.
So, yes. That’s it.
If you want to achieve happiness, start being conscious of your likes and dislikes. Don’t just go with the flow. Stop once in a while and look around. If you enjoy the view, keep enjoying (lol). What can be better than that? But if not, remember that control is in your hands. No matter how difficult the situation seems. It may seem like the same old stuff that everyone talks about. If it does, you should know that overrated stuff is overrated for a reason. It has worked for many people, and it will work for you too. Some problems are universal, and their answers are also universal.
Days, years, and centuries have passed, but people are still asking the same questions and expecting a different answer. Well, it doesn’t work like that now, does it?
Maybe because we are not looking for answers but a reminder instead. We all know that the right thing should be done at the right time, but a little push would speed things up a bit.
“Knowing” stuff isn’t going to work. What you need is the right environment (right is not something that makes you say — east or west, everything is best. It’s something that triggers the right emotions and makes you angry or irritated enough to change your life for good). People who keep nagging you all the time. (Well, that nagging is a gentle reminder that you seem to hate right now). And a few failures here and there. This is your perfect recipe for success, a.k.a. happiness or whatever you call it.