It’s impossible to not expect (Poem)
Oh, my dear expectations! How are you always able to cage me in your sweet little daydreams that could break my heart?
Why do you make me wish for something that I can’t fulfill? Is it even possible to have an impossible dream? Or are you teasing me with my own potential?
You let me dwell in your arms only to slap me with reality?
You are cruel, not like the world. But even worse.
But how weak am I to get disappointed by my own creation? Yes, I create you.
I create you to escape the truth. I create you to be free. To be me. But little did I know, you are the one who cage me.
You are the reason for my inconsistency. You are the reason for my shaking confidence.
Only because I confide in you for validation, do you think you can control me? Yes, you can. You are stronger because I am attached to “what could happen” instead of “what is happening”.
But I am trying to let you go.
I am trying to work just for the sake of it. I am trying not to get attached to the outcome. To not even expect an outcome. To just be.
To create, to breathe, to live.
Without you, my world is filled with hope. Without you, I focus on doing more than dreaming.
Without you, I am infinite.